
“Our homes have been a miracle of life, where joy and love live and have won against the wounds left from abuse and abandonment. They (LORO) no longer have anyone and we (NOI) are their only family….and we will be forever.”

The group homes supported by Noiperloro, in the rural village of Nicoresti are:

  • casa HANNAH
  • casa RACHEL
  • casa SARAH

The first group home arose in 1995, thanks to Sandie and Bruce Tanner, to remove children from the abuse and possible death in the “spital” of Nicoresti, where they had been abandoned due to their disability.

Over time this became home, or rather “nests” of love for all the young adults that live here.

The homes are warm and welcoming. Thanks to the Romanian care givers and volunteers, under the close attention of Bruce, Mirela, Ettore and Eithne, all the residents here find a true family which is capable of giving them, along withany needed assistance, affection and security.

All the people living in these homes have no one else to care for them, except for us. We shall be their family forever.

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Casa Jacob Workshop

“I am happy and proud that even I can make something with my own hands” (Gelu)

Inspired and idealised by Eithne and Ettore, Casa Jacob was built in 2003, it has become the centre of plenty of the missions activity. Many of the children saved from the “Spital” have since grown and become young adults. Their needs have also grown and changed overtime.

And so, in 2001 we understood the need to open a workshop offering the possibility to be operative and allowing a certain dignity, that follows when employed. At the begining all we had was a small little room, then thanks to a donation coming from an Italian cooperative in Parma, we managed to build “casa Jacob”, our workshop (and multifunctional room)

Great effort is put in to the work done here, Monday to Friday. We have different projects: making Christmas and greeting cards, cross stitch, simple wooden crafts, Christmas or Spring handmade crafts and decorations. And other crafts made on request.

All products are then sold mainly in Italy and in Ireland, enabling the workshop to be self sufficient.

The pride and dignity that this has led to for the kids is immense. In addition to being an important moment to go out of their homes, to interact and socialise with the others, , the workshop has given dignity and an awareness that they too are capable to create things with their own hands.

Contact: Eithne 3939587440

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Noiperloro - ONLUS
Noiperloro - ONLUS
Noiperloro - ONLUS
Noiperloro - ONLUS
Noiperloro - ONLUS
Noiperloro - ONLUS


It was all born here in Nicoresti, a small country village far from inhabited centres and hence hidden from the eyes of many. During the Ceaucescu regime, hundreds of these structures , “spitals” arose, where all the unwanted babies were locked up.

Nicoresti was the ideal place to put a “spital”, that is a “hospital” or “institution” to house the “derelicts”, the “emarginised”, the “unwanted” of society: children and adults, with physical and mental disabilities (but not always), here abandoned by their families

In 1993 Sandie and Bruce arrived from America and started working in the spital, trying to improve the lives of these children. They understood clearly that the only way to save these kids was to take them out of the spital. And so in 1995, the first family home, Casa Elizabeth, was opened. Over time more homes were opened, casa Rachel, Hannah and Sarah.

Conor Hughes and his foundation Crosscause Ireland have always been great supporters of this project. In time he opened his own foundation Bunul Samaritean which also operates in Nicoresti, with their own group home “Casa Bridget”, and run by Claire and Ionel Melinte.

Conor Hughes collaborates with Noiperloro’s fundraising activities, by coming to Italy every year with his band, Willin’ Fools, and doing a tour of charity concerts.

Again in Ghana, Xorladi centre is run in collaboration between Noiperloro and Crosscause Ghana.(Conor Hughes’ organisation)

It all started here in Nicoresti, also the seed that gave life to Noiperloro. Eithne and Ettore Barion united with this project back in 2001, when they first came as volunteers. After this their involvement became more integrated. Thanks to the support and involvement of many friends and relations the voluntary organisation, Noiperloro began in 2004. Since then the road has been very long.

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