
Noiperloro is a very active ODV(voluntary organisation) in Italy, involved in raising funds to support all of our existing projects in Romania and Ghana, and in raising awareness as to the reality that exists elsewhere.
At the moment we have more than 100 members, and a very active group of volunteers. The activities vary from market stalls to charity dinners, to concerts (many of which are organised in collaboration with the Irish band “Willin’ fools”) to evenings in raising awareness, to private initiatives or school or parish group projects to making requests for funds from the county council of from public entities.

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The wonderful volunteers are the pulsating soul of Noiperloro. They untiringly donate their time and energy to many initiatives. Every year over fifty people, men, women, teenagers and kids, offer their time freely and enthusiastically, with a joyful heart. Always eager to share and to be a part of what is happening

Nothing would be possible if it wasn’t for them: the dinners, the market stalls, fund raising in schools, the planning of events, concerts, Move it for a Reason, the truck and many many other activities aswell.

The gratuity of volunteering helps a person grow due to its double ended benefits: the good that reaches the other and the good that comes back to you.
To merely say thanks to all these people would never be enough, but when one sees the smiles from the kids in Ghana and the joy on the faces from our friends in Romania one understands that all was worthwhile and this remains to be the greatest payback that anyone could ever dream of.

Noiperloro - ONLUS

Our craft stalls take place during the summer in the tourist area of upper lake Garda, and over the Christmas and Easter period. These stalls are very efficient ways of reaching people, not just in raising funds, but also in raising awareness about our projects. Alongside the handmade crafts that we have at our stalls, there is also information, photos, booklets explaining more clearly the various activities and people that we help. These market stalls also become an efficient way in which to sell the handmade crafts made in our workshop in Romania

Noiperloro - ONLUS

The charity concerts have become a very important activity over the past 20 years. A special collaboration with the Irish band “Willin’ fools” has developed. Conor Hughes, aswell as being the founder of Crosscause (an Irish voluntary organisation that works together with us in Romania and in Ghana) put together this band that manages to amalgamate traditional Irish music, rock and popular modern music. Their rythym gets the crowd going, un-veiling hidden enthusiasm, that gets everyone dancing and having fun. With them a great night is guaranteed, and an average of 10 nights concerts a year speaks for itself. Fundraising becomes colourful and joyful, alive and bursting to the rhythym of Irish music, expressing a true joy to love life.

Noiperloro - ONLUS

Since 2017, we combined a 5km walk/non competitive run, Move it for a Reason, to the concert in Riva del Garda. The success since the very first edition has trasformed the event in to an eagerly awaited yearly event that offers a lively evening of fun, friendship and happiness to all.

The evocative path follows the lake leaving and arriving in the centre of Riva, to a lively concert of Irish music. All participants wear a t-shirt of the same colour, which changes every year. The evenings proceeds, which are used to support our various projects, come form the t-shirt sales, the adhesion of our sponsors aswell as the support and backing from the county council.

The cheerful lively notes of the Willin’ Fools music, transform the running, walking, dancing….”to a moving for a reason” or even better to being a family for loro (them)

Noiperloro - ONLUS

“A concrete way to help and share the extra we have with those who have less, just as it is in a family”

Every year, at the start of December, we send a loaded truck to Nicoresti, full of food and needed items. These parcels help a great deal in keeping running costs low in Romania, as instead of needing to buy food and clothes, we find it free thanks to the donations offered and sent.

Contact: Alberto +39 335 6654151

Noiperloro - ONLUS

They have become annual events, thanks to friends, volunteers and associations that offer their restaurants or halls for charity dinners, where often more than a hundred people attend.

A fun and lively way to pass the evening in company, enjoying a tasty meal, amused by the music and raffle, and above all turning our thoughts to the lives of the young adults and children, indeed being a family.

Noiperloro - ONLUS